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Title I

This federal program provides funding to assist students who fall just below grade level. Title I services enrich student time at school with customized instruction and curricula that help students meet academic standards. In order to obtain Title I funding, Oak Harbor Schools must have 35% or more of its students in a school receiving free or reduced lunches. Currently, Oak Harbor Elementary, Olympic View Elementary, Broad View Elementary, and Crescent Harbor Elementary schools receive Title I funds.

Learning Assistance Program

This program is funded through Washington State to supplement the state's Basic Education Allocation. The program serves eligible students who need intensive academic support in reading, writing, or math. Supplemental support is provided in addition to regular class instruction on the subject of need.


  • September 1, 2023

    Dear Broad View Elementary Families,

    At Broad View Elementary, we value a collaborative partnership with families in service to meet the needs of each and every learner.  Your voice matters, your experiences within our school and district are important to us, and your involvement in your child’s education is encouraged.  

    As a school that receives Federal Title I funding, we are honored and obligated to support transparency and promote authentic partnership.  As an initial step, we are providing a set of documents for your review and feedback:

    BVE Student/Family/School Compact

    BVE Parent/Family Engagement Policy

    You are invited to provide feedback on either of these documents by sending an email to your school principal, Jenny Hunt at and/or attending our Annual Title I meeting scheduled for September 14 at 3:45 p.m.  This meeting will provide additional information about what it means to be a Title I school, how we can partner for your child’s success, and how our school will provide additional support aligned to the needs of our students and families.  

    In addition, here is a link to the Annual Title 1 Family Notification .  If you would prefer a hard copy of these documents, paper copies of our School/Parent Compact, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and Annual Title I Family Notification are available in the main office.  

    To help you plan ahead for future events, please note that Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 26 & 27.  Parent/Teacher Conferences are an opportunity to partner with your child’s teacher, learn about your child’s progress, ask questions, and sign the School/Parent Compact.  

    It is our pleasure to serve the Broad View Elementary community!  We are #OneOakHarbor!

    In Partnership,
