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Buddy Bench

Broad View's Buddy Bench

What is a Buddy Bench? 
A Buddy bench is more than just a bench, it’s a signal! When you sit on our Buddy Bench, others can see that you would like to be asked to play. If you are already playing on your own or with a group and you see a fellow student sitting on the Buddy Bench, you should go over to them and ask them if they would like to play!

Our Buddy Bench is:

  • for letting others see that you are looking for someone to play with!
  • a wordless way to say you would like someone to talk to!
  • for showing others that you are feeling left out so they can include you!
  • an invitation to children you don’t know to come over and meet you!
  • to help children make friends and include everyone!

Our Buddy Bench is not:

  • for sitting and chit-chatting with friends you already have.
  • a place to sit and read or do other solo activities.
  • for grown-ups to sit and watch children play.
  • a place to put your stuff.
  • a place to “hang out”

Our Buddy Bench is never:

  • for standing or jumping on.
  • for parents or teachers to put children in "time out".
  • a place to bully, tease, or be unkind to anyone. 

During school hours, our Buddy Bench is only for Broad View students. The rest of the time, Buddy Bench is for anyone who needs a buddy!

Our Buddy Bench was paid for by the BVE PTA and is the property of the school. If you see anyone abuse it, please report it to Broad View at 360.279.5200.